Posts Tagged ‘snubgate’

Thank you Ron!

September 13, 2008


Dear Ron Paul:


I hope this message reaches you.  I know what it is like to get more mail than one has time to read.  Clearly you are blessed with an even larger volume of mail than I.


As a candidate and an activist in a third party, I wish to express my deepest gratitude for your September 10th press conference.  I was especially impressed with the respectful manner in which you handled unexpected surprises.


By resisting the demands of the Republican Leadership and giving a forum to their opposition, you have put your own re-election to Congress at risk.  We are blessed to have such a courageous person in Congress.


In Michigan, I had the fortune of being the Libertarian representative at the first meeting of the Michigan Third Parties Coalition (MTPC).  One thing I learned through this experience, is the value of respecting people who hold to beliefs that conflict with my own.  The formation of the MTPC was initiated in a letter sent out by a socialist, Matt Erard.  He understood the need to form a group that was non-ideological. 


Ideology is more than symbolic for people in the freedom movement, but there is a need for Detente in cases where people with irreconcilable differences face a common threat.  Clearly you get that.  I only wish everyone in our movement were so enlightened, but I have no right to apologize for the short-comings of others.


Without honest elections, the hope for peacefully bringing about a free society is dashed.  Those who honestly believe in the correctness of their beliefs have nothing to fear from an unfettered candid discussion of the transcendental challenges of our time.


When the debate process and other parts of our broken election system are remedied, it will be much easier to bring about liberty in our time and resuscitate our constitutionally limited republic. 


Thank you for bringing us one step closer to that day.  Libertarians everywhere owe you a great debt of gratitude.


Scotty Boman

Libertarian for United States Senate